It’s the basis of pretty much every sitcom out there… one character miscommunicates or hears only part of a conversation and hilarity ensues. There are even articles written focusing solely on TV plot lines and how miscommunication generated a compelling and lighthearted plot. Have you ever watched the 80’s sitcom Three’s Company? Pick out any episode and you’ll see the absurdity of what happens with over-the-top miscommunications.
This is all fine and good from an entertainment perspective, but when communication issues plague a business, it’s a different story. At PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, communication serves as one of our core values.
Starting within, at PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, importance is placed on coworkers discussing clearly and continually what’s happening with our clients and each other. This happens during meetings, via emails, over the phone, and by any other way of communication. Assuring that everyone involved remains open and clear guarantees that we successfully satisfy the needs of all our customers. It also contributes to a more satisfied workforce within the company.
At PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, we place emphasis on ensuring clients stay in the loop. As a gas station owner, you would likely be concerned if your station suffers from repair needs. We know how frenzied you may be waiting for updates and a timely fix. Our employees keep communication with clients as a top priority. We pride ourselves on maintaining open lines of conversation with customers during the entire process. This core value leads to a mutually smooth relationship and keeps us on the same page.
To keep it simple, failure to communicate in a business often leads to unhappiness between customers as well as coworkers. At PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, we know that understanding the various types of communication can benefit a business. Using these strategies can lead to more satisfied clients and workers.
Failing to adequately discuss business matters is a recipe for disaster. Big businesses have faced failures when communication breaks down. Even mega-corporations aren’t immune to the pitfalls of poor communication. At PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, the communication core value reminds us to avoid these types of failures.
At PumpTex, specializing in fuel pump repair in San Antonio, Texas, Communication serves as one of our core values for an important reason. We realize that communication failures affect not only fellow coworkers, but also the customers we take pride in servicing every day. By upholding this core value, we know that our open lines of communication will keep the pipeline of information freely and correctly flowing.
We Keep You Pumping!
PumpTex, Inc. was founded in 1997 in the back of a garage with the dream of bringing a new level of customer service to the retail petroleum service industry. Over the years, we have grown to become a valuable resource to our customers. Many consider us to be the first responders of the retail petroleum service industry!
888-906-PUMP (7867)It's time to bring a new level of customer service to the retail petroleum service industry.
We search for the “WOW” moment in each and every customer interaction. Our team is known in the industry to have the best customer service and follow-up in our industry.
As a team, we also work intelligently to provide a valuable and tailored experience to each of our customers. We derive a great sense of pride from engaging our customers in a professional relationship.
Any client, vendor or media provider interacting with PumpTex discerns that our unique culture and operating practices separate us from our competitors and are drawn to our way of doing business.
We offer real-time solutions to the problems our clients experience. Being a resource to our customers and becoming their eyes and ears in the field enables them to maximize uptime and profits.